
A Guide to Mountain Gorilla Tracking

Mountain Gorillas can be tracked in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo Democratic Republic.

Gorilla Tracking Rules & Advice

  1. A small, lightweight, frameless, waterproof back/day pack
  2. Light, waterproof hiking or walking boots or shoes with treaded soles.
  3.  Thick socks.
  4. High speed film 400 ASA minimum, 800 ASA recommended (no flash photography allowed on the track), fast film, binoculars,
  5. Long pants (jeans/khakis) and a long sleeved shirt
  6. Leather or heavy canvas (gardening-style) gloves to grip vegetation (gardening gloves may be advised).
  7. Waterproof rain pants, a rain suit or poncho with hood.
  8.  Moisture wicking undergarments, lightweight wool socks, long-sleeved shirt,
  9. sturdy trousers, sunglasses,
  10. sun screen, a sun hat, a breathable lightweight rain poncho or parka with a rain hat,
  11. Thick sweaters not necessary on the track, as it gets very hot during tracking. Best to have layers of clothing as temperatures tend to change.
  12. Light raincoat
  13. A waterproof, squash-able hat.
  14. Drinking water. You may ask for a walking stick if needed

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